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Yanuar Aditya

Dota & Volvo Cars

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Birthday Boy

2017.01.29 | Someone actually remember and made me a Birthday Boy

Chapter: Sweden

2016.11.12 | I used to day dreaming about building cars and airplanes. It's gonna be real!

360˚ of Myself

2016.09.18 | Probably the end of my study life, start for another chapter

The Six Months of Battle

2016.02.02 | The backstory, the luck and uncertainty, and some efforts on understanding a battle with my master thesis

Make IT Matter

2015.10.12 | Never heard about Spotify before 2014, then now it's single-handedly kicked off new way on how music should be distributed.

Video Game Industry Growth

2015.10.02 | With help from the internet, everyone can play video games anywhere and anytime. Parents should know better about what is good and what is bad for the kids.

Avoid Misconceptions from Now

2015.09.30 | There are lot of misunderstandings about tech stuffs. This post highlight my presentation on how to avoid misconceptions on basic computer organization.

Network Security Recap

2015.06.01 | It is a damn good shit. A good material for catching up with network security stuffs.


2015.05.26 | Suddenly, I missed Dreamhack this early.


2015.04.22 | One month recap of my life | April '15.

Embrace the Uncomfortable...Again

2014.11.05 | Lot of people feel their life is pretty boring when they stuck in a bland routine. This is just an approach on how to tackle this.

A Month in Sweden

2014.10.01 | Sudah 30 hari berada di Göteborg, Swedia. Banyak tujuan saya berada disini, terutama sekolah dan mengejar mimpi. Still long way to go. Tapi, sejauh ini Swedi...

Why Chalmers?

2014.08.01 | Some reason why I ended up choosing this private owned university (believe me it's good)

Get Better Soon, Jakarta

2014.07.14 | Last week on Jakarta before I left Indonesia. Through good and bad, my heart is 100% Indonesia.